Building cohesion after the crisis The period of confinement has led both employees and organizations to question their future in ...
Building cohesion after the crisis
The period of confinement has led both employees and organizations to question their future in order to give it meaning again. The crisis we are going through has reawakened the importance of human values, commitment solidarity, resilience, courage…. in maintaining essential activities. The whole challenge in the coming weeks and months will be to transform the result of these lessons, reflections and questioning, individual and collective, into action
TOD is organizing a webinar where companies and talents are invited to share their experiences and testimonials. This webinar, open to all, is part of the regular meetings of the TOD Community organized since the creation of the start-up. These events are usually an opportunity to meet other people involved in building a more human professional world where meaning and commitment are the two keys to performance.
We will have the opportunity to hear from Fabienne Vaillant who, passionate about management and the deployment of human potential, has been accompanying managers and companies for many years in their transformation towards ethical and responsible growth in the service of their missions. She will speak on the topic: “Dare to transform to restore meaning to our action“
WEBINAR Thursday May 6, 2020 from 10:00 to 11:30 am Inscription
By Gaëlle Monteiller.